
International Family Law

​If one spouse is Danish and the other is from another country, it often leads to specific legal problems.

As one of few Danish law firms, we have experience in advising clients from around the world regarding Danish family law.​

Extensive experience in international cases

We are regularly contacted by foreign lawyers that need expert advice regarding the Danish rules on custody, division of property, alimony, separate property, prenuptial agreements and similar problems.  

We are also specialists regarding inheritance law and wills in Denmark. Read an excerpt from our chapter on Danish inheritance law in "International Succession", Oxford University Press, 2021.

Our lawyers speak several languages - and we have established cooperation with translators when one is needed.

We are part of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML) as well as Global Law Experts and have been involved in many international cases. In the past year we have been involved in cases from England, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Sweden, USA , France and Belgium.

Example : We were highly involved in a case in London about Jurisdiction in the UK and helped secure a positive outcome for our client. It is now a "Recorded case" - M v M EWHC 982 (see further : click here)

Creating a prenuptial agreement on separate property

If you want to have separate property in your marriage, you must sign a prenuptial agreement. It can be difficult enough to agree on the extent of separate property with your partner - but does one part of the couple belong to a different nationality, there are additional aspects that must be clear :

  • Which country's family law are you subject to?
  • Can we even legally create a Danish prenuptial agreement?
  • And should the prenuptial agreement be translated into a language that your (future) spouse understands?

We also offer our advice regarding already established Danish prenuptial agreements, including whether they meet the Danish legal requirements or not.

​Divorce and applicable law

If you are to be separated, there usually will be a division of assets in the marriage. The matrimonial property regime in Denmark is "common property". All of your net assets are to be shared in case of legal separation and divorce.

Other countries have completely different property regimes, so it is important to consider which country's rules that apply in the context of the current division of property.

Alimony and child support

The rules for child support are different than the rules of alimony - also with these rules, we can help to explain.

The Danish rules on spousal maintenance (alimony) are very different than it is in English law. Alimony is relatively difficult to obtain in Denmark - and the monthly contributions are small compared with the contributions in other countries. We can help foreign clients to assess:

  • What factors will be emphasized by a Danish decision on alimony?
  • If you are awarded alimony - how long is the period the contribution should be paid?
  • What will the monthly contribution amount be?

Do you need Danish legal assistance?

If you need expert advice regarding Danish Family law, feel free to contact us. Use the contact form to the right, send us an e-mail or call us at phone number (+45) 86 13 06 00.

Video: Watch att​orney at law Kristian Ravn-Petersen describe the Danish rules.

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​E-mail: info@askt.dk

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​Sankt Knuds Torv

Ryesgade 31, 1., 8000 Aarhus C​​​


​Tlf.: 86 13 06 00

E-mail: info@askt.dk


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Algade 44, 1. sal, 9000 Aalborg C​


Tlf.: 86 18 68 33​

E-mail: aalborg@askt.dk​


Parallelvej 9A,

8680 Ry


Tlf.: 86 89 33 88

E-mail: hfh@askt.dk

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